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iCelebrityNews is the go-to destination for all the juicy gossip and the latest news on your favourite stars. Whether you're a fan of Hollywood A-listers or love following the lives of the rich and famous, we've got you covered. Say goodbye to boring news and hello to the hottest gossip, all in one place. So sit back, relax and prepare for the best celebrity content. Tune in now and JOIN THE iCN CLUB - membership is FREE!


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The Daily Roundup

All the celebrity showbiz news and gossip from all over the world of music, sports, Hollywood and much more!


"The Weekly Round-Up" is a 30 minute weekly show coming to a number of TV channels and platforms very shortly! In the meantime, you can watch The Weekly Round-Up episodes for free right here! And it doesn't stop there...

"The Daily Round-Up" is a daily 3-5 minute show, just like 'The Weekly-Up' this show will be coming to a number of TV channels and platforms very soon. We release this programme daily, so make sure to check out 'The Daily Round-Up' for FREE.

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